A vision that targets the future in every business and works for the future... A vision of the future a global community with a mission to add value to life... Saya Holding.
At the center of all investments of Saya, which is connected to its roots, strong with its values, and facing the future human beings. From real estate to pharmaceuticals, from industry to machine production, in all fields of activity, technological progress as a priority, Saya is using this technology to improve people's lives and to benefit society.
Saya Holding always puts people at the center of its activities. We are committed to improving people's lives improve and uses technology to benefit society. This value is shared by all activities is the fundamental guiding principle.
Saya Holding continuously emphasizes innovation and develops new and effective solutions. focuses on improvement. Innovation enhances the company's competitiveness, while helping society and offers the potential to add more value to the world.
Saya Holding considers diversity as a richness and encourages diversity in its activities. encourages. It also acts with a value-oriented approach and generates business solutions.
Saya Holding aims to make a meaningful contribution to society and the world at a global level. Its activities are not only profit-oriented, but also socially beneficial. to the people of the world.