Corporate Citizenship

Believing in being a "good person" and a "good citizen" by being beneficial to people and being happy with their happiness, we aim to add value to the future in every task we undertake within the scope of social responsibility.

Starting with the principle of "The most beneficial among you is the one who brings benefits to others," and inspired by the saying of our founder, the late Abdulrezzak Sancak, "Blessed is the one who heals a pain," our group has contributed and will continue to contribute to our country's culture of solidarity, unity, and togetherness through Sancaklar Foundation until August 2014, and directly through SAYA Holding, Holding Companies, and the family.

For this purpose, our holding:

  • Conducts studies in areas such as Education,
  • Culture and Art,
  • and providing economic assistance to needy families to meet their needs to some extent.