
Sustainability Committee: Established to determine the sustainability initiatives of Saya Holding and its subsidiaries within the framework of national and internationally recognized standards, develop sustainability practices, monitor these developments, and provide recommendations and suggestions to the Board of Directors with a strategic perspective to ensure the fulfillment of the Board's duties and responsibilities in a healthy manner.

Investment Committee: Formed to provide recommendations and suggestions to the Board of Directors in order to determine the principles of direct or indirect investments in sectors with growth potential, using its own capital and expertise, to offer sustainable and consistent returns to Saya Holding shareholders and to ensure the fulfillment of the Board's duties and responsibilities in a healthy manner.

Corporate Governance Committee: Established to determine the corporate governance principles of Saya Holding, develop corporate governance practices, monitor these developments, track compliance with corporate principles, identify conflicts of interest, and provide recommendations and suggestions to the Board of Directors to ensure the fulfillment of the Board's duties and responsibilities in a healthy manner.

Equity Rights Committee: Formed to provide recommendations and suggestions to the Board of Directors for rewarding shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, Senior Executives, and employee shareholders of Saya Holding and its subsidiaries based on their contributions to the value creation process of the company.

Corporate Risk and Compliance Committee: Tasked with identifying, assessing, monitoring, and managing existing and potential risk factors within Saya Holding and its subsidiaries, conducting analyses and studies related to the management of these risks within the framework of the Corporate Risk Management system, and presenting the results of these efforts along with recommendations and suggestions to the senior management and boards of directors of Saya Holding and its subsidiaries.