Saya Holding Adopts the UN Global Compact
As Saya Holding, we proudly announce that we have signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) as a testament to our commitment to contributing to a sustainable future. The UN Global Compact is a global initiative designed to encourage companies worldwide to operate more sustainably.
The UN Global Compact encompasses 10 universally recognized principles, encouraging companies to adopt practices that benefit society and the planet. These principles are grouped under four main categories:
Human Rights: Companies are expected to support and respect internationally proclaimed human rights.
Labor Standards: The business community should strive to eliminate all forms of forced labor, child labor, and workplace discrimination.
Environment: Companies must adopt precautionary approaches to environmental protection and promote environmental sustainability.
Anti-Corruption: Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including bribery and extortion.
At Saya Holding, we regard these principles as the cornerstone of our business practices and continuously work toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in alignment with them. By embedding these principles into our sustainability strategy, we ensure that our business processes adhere to ethical and responsible practices, fulfilling our obligations to society and the planet.
We are delighted to share these steps we have taken to support the long-term well-being of society and the environment with all our stakeholders. Through this commitment, we aim to contribute not only to financial success but also to a sustainable and responsible future.